+Experiencia de la Semana Africana de la Energía 2022

Con el propósito de reforzar nuestro compromiso con la industria energética africana, nos sentimos orgullosos de haber patrocinado la Semana de la Energía Africana 2022, que tuvo lugar del 18 al 21 de octubre en Ciudad del Cabo (Sudáfrica). La conferencia reunió a los líderes del sector energético africano a los principales operadores y subcontratistas, a las instituciones financieras y a reputadas empresas de asesoramiento empresarial para mantener un intenso diálogo centrado en los problemas de la industria energética.

Centurion Law Group’s Commitment to a Sustainable African Energy Industry

To reinforce our commitment to the African energy industry, we were proud to sponsor the African Energy Week 2002 which took place from October 18-21, in Cape Town, South Africa. The conference brought together African energy sector leaders and stakeholders, major operators and subcontractors, financial institutions and reputable business advisory companies for an intense dialogue focused on issues in the energy industry.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Hub – What You Need to Know

Since the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in 2018, by the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, the AfCFTA is the largest free trade area in the world measured by the number of countries participating. There has been much talk, especially in the circles of legal practitioners, concerning the operation of the AfCFTA and its impact on the businesses of their multinational clients.